2014 to 2016
High performance coatings for PEM electrolyser metallic bipolar plates
2013 to 2015
The AMSCopper has been a project within the EU Seventh Research Frame Program (FP7) in the area of Research for the benefit of SMEs. The main objective of this two-year project was to develop a solution against diseases transmission through metallic objects, by the use of innovative copper based coatings with photo-catalytic anti-microbial and self-cleaning activity. AMSCopper's solution to this problem is designed to decrease the risk of infection...Read more |
2012 to 2016
EVOLVEd materials and innovative design for high-performances, durable and reliable SOFC cell and stack
The EVOLVE Project is a collaborative European (SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME SP1-JTI-FCH.2011.3.1) project funded by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) where 8 partners worked together at the development, up scaling and demonstration of new SOFC architecture for stationary and mobile application. This architecture, based on a composite anode substrate tolerant towards redox cycles aims at combining benefits of...Read more |
2011 to 2015
DEsign and Manufacturing of CAtalytic MEmbranes Reactors by developing new nano-architectured catalytic and selective membrane materials
The DEMCAMER Project has been a collaborative European (SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME NMP-2010.2.4-1) project aiming at proposing an answer to the paradigm met by the European Chemical Industry: increase the production rate while keeping the same products quality and reducing both production costs and environmental impacts. Through the implementation of a novel process intensification approach consisting on the combination...Read more |
2011 to 2014
Innovative fabrication routes and materials for METal and anode supported PROton conducting fuel CELLs
The METPROCELL Project has been a collaborative European (SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME SP1-JTI-FCH.2010.3.1) project funded by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) where 8 partners worked together to develop a new generation of intermediate temperature fuel cells based on the Proton Conducting Fuel Cell (PCFC) technology. PCFC is one of the most promising technologies to reach the requirements related to...Read more |
2009 to 2012
EFFIcient and robust fuel cell with novel ceramic PROton conducting electrolyte
The EFFIPRO has been a collaborative European (SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME FP7-ENERGY-NMP-2008-1) project taking advantage of the superior efficiency of the ceramic proton conducting fuel cell by developing novel electrolytes and electrodes that are more chemically and mechanically stable and robust than their predecessors. EFFIPRO will develop electrolytes and electrodes for proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells (PC-SOFC) based...Read more |